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リーディング時間目安:4分 / 600語 ※WPM=150
1. 下記の英文を読みましょう。4分以内に読み終えられたら上級者です。
2. 読み終えたら、文章下部の問題に解答しましょう。
3. 記事末尾に解答がありますので、答え合わせをして終了です。
How to Retain Language Fluency
By: Alexandra Ichikawa
You’ve finally made it. After putting in countless hours of hard work and dedication, you’ve unlocked the ability to converse in a foreign language with confidence and enjoy a variety of native content with ease. Now that you’ve reached this great milestone, you may be wondering, what’s next? Will I be able to maintain my fluency as time goes on?
In this article we’ve compiled five effective strategies to help you do just that.
1. Practice, practice, practice
Language learning is a lot like going to the gym. If you put in the work, you’ll get stronger, but if you stop training, your muscles will gradually weaken again. Your brain is no exception. Language attrition – or the decline of language skills over time – may start to occur when there is a decline in use, exposure, or motivation. That’s why the most crucial part of maintaining fluency in a language is to create opportunities to use it.
2. Set realistic goals
Setting small, achievable goals can help you maintain your motivation and fuel your study habits. This may include dedicating 30 minutes a day to studying, daily journaling, or aiming to finish a new book every month. By honing in on micro goals, you can build momentum and track the progress you’ve made toward achieving larger goals.
3. Seek out authentic media
There are so many resources to choose from these days. Try getting your daily news from local sources in your target language, listening to TedTalks or podcasts on topics that interest you, or learning the lyrics to your favorite songs. By consuming the same content that native speakers do, not only will you maintain your proficiency, but you will also keep up-to-date with cultural trends that so much of the language we use is rooted in.
4. Create an environment tailored to your language studies
While this may come easier for those who have an opportunity to move abroad or get a job using their target language, don’t be discouraged; there are still ways to do this right at home. Doing small things like setting your electronics to your language of choice or taking more passive approaches like putting on a movie for background noise can help you immerse yourself wherever you are. In addition, try thinking in that language and naming the things you are doing as you go about your day to help you retain vocabulary and identify what you might be missing.
5. Find an area of interest
If learning a language feels stressful or boring, you’re likely to lose motivation along the way. If you can find something enjoyable to do in your target language, whether it’s watching a local broadcast of your favorite sports team, or meeting up with friends for a language exchange, you’re more likely to continue on with your journey and retain what you’ve learned. If this comes easy to you, then try taking on a new challenge. For example, sign up for a language proficiency test, enroll in a course, or try reading up on topics you normally wouldn’t to broaden your horizons on a wide array of topics.
It’s often said that learning a language is a lifelong process; just because you’ve reached fluency doesn’t mean your journey stops there. Whether it’s mastering a new accent, understanding cultural references, or picking up industry-specific jargon, there’s always something new to discover, even for native speakers. Embracing this continuous learning process can provide abundant opportunities for personal and professional growth, so welcome the journey, stay curious, and have fun!
Question 1
According to the article, what is the main reason why regular practice is important for maintaining language fluency?
a) It helps you develop stronger muscles for learning.
b) It prevents language attrition caused by lack of use.
c) It ensures you can use your language skills professionally.
d) It keeps you up-to-date with cultural trends.
Question 2
Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to set realistic goals for maintaining fluency?
a) dedicating 30 minutes daily to studying
b) journaling regularly
c) aiming to finish a new book monthly
d) moving abroad to use the language
Question 3
How can you create an environment tailored to your language studies if moving abroad is not an option?
a) Watch a local broadcast of your favorite sports team.
b) Set your electronic devices to your target language.
c) Take a language proficiency test.
d) Follow only passive approaches to learning.
【Questions 解答】Q1. b Q2. d Q3. b

One Month Program